Our Team
"He [Jesus] is also the head of the body, the Church, and He is the beginning, the firstborn among the dead,
so that He Himself might come to have supremacy." (Colossians 1:18)
We believe the only head of the Church is Jesus Christ. He functionally rules in the affairs of His Church by His Word and through His Spirit. Because of this, Jesus Christ is the Chief Shepherd of Redeeming Hope. We believe that the Scriptures indicate that the local Church is to be governed by a plurality of elders who serve under the authority of Jesus. Those elders who give themselves wholly to preaching and teaching function within the role of a pastor.
Additionally, we see people throughout the Scriptures having authority over specific areas of ministry and unique responsibilities. We have a robust and growing ministry team with specialized responsibilities, helping us accomplish our vision within Gatherings and Groups.
Triad Team
We have an interim accountability and leadership team called a Triad, and they serve Redeeming Hope by providing financial, spiritual, theological, and relational oversight for our Lead Pastor. This Triad is comprised of qualified leaders who are pastors within Converge (our church planting network) as well as the Lead Pastor of Redeeming Hope.