Current Groups
Sunday 5:00pm
Dom + Tina Buda
Tuesday 7:00pm
Nathan + Marlina Corbin
(Hope47 Young Adults)
Wednesday 9:30am
Abbi Juarez
Wednesday 6:30pm
Hugo + Pamela Elizondo
Wednesday 7:00pm
Joshua and Rachel Young
Wednesday 7:00pm
Derek and Heidi Levendusky
Thursday 6:30pm
Aaron and Anna Thomas
Saturday 6:00am
Joshua Young
When Jesus called the disciples, He did not call them to a static location, a temple where He taught weekly, or a simplistic service project. Jesus called the twelve disciples to follow Him, and as He walked and moved from city to city, He taught the disciples, spoke to crowds, healed the sick, broke bread, calmed raging seas, and much more. He invited these disciples to share in life with Him, and they in turn learned His ways by observing firsthand how He lived His life.
Jesus’ community also had purpose and intention. He was consistently training His disciples with parables, miracles, bestowing power and authority, allowing them to ask hard questions, giving them the freedom to fail, and even sending them on short missionary journeys with specific instructions. These teenagers learned the most valuable message in human history from proximity and intimacy, which equated to relationship.
This is what it means to be in true community: shared life together with a purpose. A Group meets often and frequently shares a meal together. Within these meetings, the group creates room for spiritual exploration for friends and neighbors, but also has focused discipleship, teaching, and accountability. It is one group, but with multiple purposes.
The Group leaders become the most crucial volunteers in the church who are equipped to handle apologetic questions from the spiritually curious, pastor their community, model a missional lifestyle, and gently lead believers to draw closer to Jesus as disciples. The pastoral staff and elders will subsequently spend significant time in support, training, equipping, and leading these Group leaders to thrive, grow, and multiply more Groups across Clarksville and the Middle-Tennessee region.